Lessons from Global Philanthropy: Charity vs. Philanthropy

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Does the same U.S.-style process work for an Australian NGO launching its first capital campaign? Can an organization in Sri Lanka that receives significant U.S.-based funding also raise major gifts in country? When U.S.-based organizations want to grow global support, do they use the same methods as they do with U.S. donors?

Our experience working with international NGOs, domestic organizations fundraising for global causes, and grassroots start-ups shows that the steps we take to build a successful resource development program can vary from country to country. Between cultural differences and varying political support and landscapes, we have found some nonprofit best practices require careful, nuanced adjustments, while others apply universally.

In the first blog post of this series, “Lessons from Global Philanthropy,” we’ll be sharing fundamental truths we have learned from our work in global philanthropy that can improve your organization, no matter the shape, size or location.

Charity vs. Philanthropy

Many organizations worldwide, even big-name international NGOs, are still chasing charity as opposed to focusing their efforts on building a culture of philanthropy. As a result, they’re leaving money on the table.

What’s the difference between charity and philanthropy, you might ask? The graphic below breaks down the key contrasts. 

Charity V Philanthropy

There is most certainly a need, time and place for charity-based work. For example, disaster relief requires fast emergency funding, and because human nature guides us to provide immediate relief to suffering, encouraging mass participation can help raise funds quickly.

But today’s donors are looking to be part of long-term solutions to systematic problems instead of contributing to short-term patches. They want to invest in organizations with proven results working toward exciting visions for a better future.

Across the globe, we have found consistent characteristics of all organizations that have successfully built upon charity-focused fundraising to grow a strong culture of philanthropy, work that invites significant gifts.

The Organization Has a Strong Program Brand and Philanthropic Brand

An organization’s program brand must be impeccable in that the programs they offer can show proven, measurable results. These programs must also work toward accomplishing a long-term solution to a problem and an inspirational vision of a better community, society, or world.

The philanthropic brand needs to be equally strong. For example, suppose an organization has primarily relied on direct response fundraising efforts and is now looking to invite major investments. They will likely need to rebrand their philanthropic program so that a major donor will look at the organization and say, “That is an institution I can give a $10 million gift to, and I know what it will be used for and that it will be used wisely.”

If your organization is in need of a philanthropic rebrand, it should start internally. Ensure that everyone within the organization understands the mission – the intended outcomes and impact – and what is needed to accelerate the mission. All staff, board members, and volunteers should be able to speak to what the organization would do with a significant gift and how that gift would move the needle in your work. This network, along with a strategically revised case for support, will help you communicate your strengthened philanthropic brand.

The Organization’s Leadership Values Building Relationships with Donors

Brochures and postcards aren’t raising major and mega gifts; people are. This is true for even the most prominent institutions across the world – no matter the scale of their direct response fundraising initiatives, etc. The organizations receiving significant gifts from major and mega donors have leadership dedicated to investing in relationship-building with past donors and donor prospects, which often requires more staff, time devoted to training volunteers, and an increased budget.

The Organization’s Volunteers Are Supported and Engaged and, in turn, Accelerate Fundraising

Trust is central to fundraising, especially major and mega gifts. Trained, supported and engaged volunteers who are willing to share why they support an organization are one of the fastest ways to validate the trustworthiness of an organization. Volunteers can also open a door that is otherwise closed to an organization and its staff, set an example and inspire higher levels of giving, and express gratitude to others for joining in an important mission.

Throughout the world, an organization’s volunteer base and people who have a relationship with the organization matter. Who walks in the door with you or makes the introduction matters and can significantly accelerate your major gift fundraising.

If you’re looking to enhance your fundraising or resource development efforts, no matter your situation or location, we would love to learn more about your organization and challenges. We will always make ourselves available as a resource to you as you advance your mission and philanthropy. If you don’t already have a direct contact at Carter, please email labolg.retrac@ofni, and we’ll put you in touch with a senior-level consultant specific to your needs.

About the Authors

Bob Carter

Bob Carter, CFRE – Chairman

Bob Carter, CFRE, is one of the world’s most respected, experienced and recognized experts in institutional strategy and philanthropy. During the past four decades, Bob has strengthened a variety of organizations throughout the world by helping them overcome challenges and capitalize on opportunities to be successful. Bob is currently serving as a member of the Board of the World Health Organization (WHO) Foundation, where he is a founding board member, and he is Chair Emeritus of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) International Board of Directors. Learn more about Bob here.

Kristina Carlson

Kristina Carlson, CFRE – Managing Director - Global Philanthropy

For more than 30 years, Kristina Carlson, CFRE, has guided nonprofit institutions across the globe in their efforts to conduct transformational campaigns, secure up to eight-figure major gifts and bravely make the changes needed to make a significant impact. She is a proven leader, entrepreneur, author of the best-selling “Essential Principles for Fundraising Success,” and in-demand speaker at national and international conferences and workshops. Prior to joining Carter, Kristina served as President of Ketchum and founder and President of FundraisingINFO.com. Learn more about Kristina here.

About Carter:
When it comes to transformational change, nonprofits are experts at knowing what they need to achieve but don’t always have the tools they need to get there. Carter makes the journey easier. Co-founded by Bob Carter and Steve Higgins in 2011, Carter gathered a select team of the nation’s most respected nonprofit professionals working to advance philanthropy worldwide in the areas of fundraising, governance and organizational planning. Each Carter consultant brings decades of executive-level development experience to serve as an extension of your team and help you maximize your organization’s potential and better serve your cause. For more information, visit www.carter.global.

Four Donor Stewardship Plan Essentials

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We often hear, “We need new donors; we can’t keep going back to the same well.” As fundraising professionals, we know this is simply not true. Most of your prospects for major gifts are donors who have already given to your organization. However, raising more money from the same pool of donors requires properly stewarding those relationships over time.

So, how do you make sure you are properly stewarding your donors?

At the core of every successful fundraising program is a well-thought-out donor stewardship plan – a detailed outline of an organization’s processes and strategies for keeping a donor engaged, illustrating gift impact and building long-lasting relationships.

Whether you are looking to create a plan from scratch or check your current plan against best practices, in this blog post, I’ll cover four of the donor stewardship plan essentials.


I recommend segmenting your donors by gift size, frequency and personalization preferences, starting with the basic pyramid below:Donor PyramidFor donors in the top three levels – Bequests, Major Donors and Recurring Donors – you should create different categories for those who are donating at different frequencies (i.e., once a year vs. three times per year). This can help ensure your thank-you messages do not feel canned or become stale. For example, you may write a thank you note to a donor who has given once in a year and follow up with the impact of their gift. For a donor that has given twice in one year, you may send a note and share the impact upon receiving the first gift and then invite them to see the impact of their gift first-hand upon receiving the second gift.

Donors in the first two levels of the pyramid – Bequests and Major Gifts – often already have personal relationships with senior staff or board members, as these gifts are usually the result of personal relationships that have been cultivated over longer periods of time. For these donors, your team should sit down and create a specific plan that is customized for each individual donor.

Personalization can be more challenging for donors in the bottom two tiers of the giving pyramid, where the numbers typically climb exponentially. So, how can you assure donors at this level feel their support is valued by your organization?

  • ALWAYS use their name, note the amount they gave, and how their donation will help your organization.
  • Write handwritten notes or include handwritten signatures from staff or board members.
  • Segment by age/generation – For example, according to research, Baby Boomers are more like to be appreciative of a handwritten note or phone call, while millennials or Gen Zers are more likely to be appreciative of recognition via social media.


The process will have specific action steps depending on the donor’s gift size, frequency and personalization preferences, but should follow the following key steps:

  1. Donor gives to your organization – hooray!
  2. Thank the donor for their gift within 48 hours.
  3. Confirm the donor’s expectations for the gift (how the gift will be used and/or how the donor will be recognized).
  4. Recognize the donor accordingly.
  5. Repeat the gift’s impact to the donor.
  6. Begin the cultivation process.


Whether your institution is a well-oiled machine with a dedicated Director of Donor Relations, Stewardship Officer and/or Major Gifts Officer, or a grass-roots start-up with limited staff, your organization should enlist your board members and volunteers to help you with stewardship. Peer-to-peer-based fundraising always yields the highest gift, and by integrating your board and volunteers into your stewardship efforts, you are naturally integrating them into your fundraising efforts.

Give your board members and volunteers options for helping, and then highlight their preferred stewardship role in their board member or volunteer job description. This gives them the opportunity to choose how they engage and then clearly articulates the expectation.

Here are a few ways you can enlist volunteers to help you with stewarding donors:

  1. Host a donor appreciation event.
  2. Write or sign thank you notes.
  3. Lead or serve on a committee for a “Giving Society.”
  4. Call donors to express thanks.
  5. Create social media posts or personalized videos to thank a donor and showcase their gift’s impact.
  6. Take major donors to lunch or dinner to express thanks and discuss their gift’s impact.


Once you’ve completed this legwork to build a stewardship plan, I recommend creating a donor stewardship matrix, which is an easy way to ensure staff and volunteers have a clear understanding of the established stewardship protocols. Your matrix will be a chart that provides a visual representation of when and how to engage with each donor segment based on specific behavior.

The stewardship matrix should be customized to your organization’s specific criteria and engagement opportunities, but typical elements include: donor segments or levels and frequency of gifts; methods of outreach; timeline for action; and responsible staff member or volunteer. 

You should be revisiting your matrix annually to ensure it’s the most efficient and effective system possible for your organization.

If you’re looking for counsel to enhance your donor stewardship plan and encourage your donors to give at the next level, we hope you will reach out to our team. We will always make ourselves available as a resource to you as you advance your mission and philanthropy. If you don’t already have a direct contact at Carter, please email labolg.retrac@ofni, and we’ll put you in touch with a senior-level consultant specific to your needs.

About the Author

Steve Headshot

Stephen Sokany, MBA – Managing Director

With over 30 years of nonprofit and fundraising experience, Steve Sokany, MBA, has held a variety of leadership positions in higher education and social service organizations. Prior to joining the Carter team, Steve spent two years helping to establish the West 117 Foundation, serving as its inaugural Executive Director. Additionally, he spent 27 years at Kent State University in a number of roles, culminating in his tenure as Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Executive Director of the Kent State University Foundation. Steve currently resides in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Learn more about Steve here.

About Carter:
When it comes to transformational change, nonprofits are experts at knowing what they need to achieve but don’t always have the tools they need to get there. Carter makes the journey easier. Co-founded by Bob Carter and Steve Higgins in 2011, Carter gathered a select team of the nation’s most respected nonprofit professionals working to advance philanthropy worldwide in the areas of fundraising, governance and organizational planning. Each Carter consultant brings decades of executive-level development experience to serve as an extension of your team and help you maximize your organization’s potential and better serve your cause. For more information, visit www.carter.global.

A New Giving Opportunity: The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023

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The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, passed in December 2022, includes a win for philanthropy! While this legislation will most likely be used by larger organizations and institutions, we wanted to be sure all of our partners, colleagues and friends were aware of a new giving opportunity presented by this Act.

Here’s what you need to know:*

First, what is a QCD?
This Act includes a provision that affects Qualified Charitable Deductions or QCDs, so let’s cover the basics:

  • A QCD is a tax-free transfer from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) to a qualified 501(c)(3) organization. It can satisfy the taxpayer’s required minimum distribution, all while donating to a philanthropy.

    (Required Minimum Distribution: When a taxpayer reaches a certain age, the exact age being dependent on the taxpayer’s birth year, a required minimum distribution, or RMD, is an amount that must be withdrawn from their retirement account annually. Taxes must also be paid on this amount as it is considered taxable income.)

  • With a QCD, a person over 70 ½ can distribute an outright gift of up to $100,000 per year from their IRA to a 501(c)(3) organization. This distribution does not qualify as a charitable deduction on their income taxes, but they are not taxed on the transferred amount. Woo hoo!
  • Bottom line – in one fell swoop, a qualified taxpayer can satisfy a tax law requirement, donate to a charity, AND avoid income taxes – win, win, WIN!

How did the Act affect QCDs?

  • The Act added a new type of QCD that allows individuals to distribute up to $50,000 from an IRA toward funding a gift annuity, a charitable remainder annuity trust (CRAT) or a charitable remainder unitrust (CRUT).
  • These options allow donors to essentially make an (irrevocable) donation contract: the donor gives the charity a large donation, and in return, they receive a regular stream of income from the organization for the rest of their life. At the end of their life (and possibly their spouse’s life, depending on how it’s set up), the charity receives the remainder of the donation.  
  • The $50,000 IRA transfer for a life-income plan provision is only available for someone who is 70 ½ years and older. The transfer can be made in only one tax year, and as of now, Congress has only allowed for this provision to happen once in someone’s lifetime.

If you have any follow-up questions, we hope you will reach out to our team. We will always make ourselves available as a resource to you as you advance your mission and philanthropy. If you don’t already have a direct contact at Carter, please email labolg.retrac@ofni, and we’ll put you in touch with a senior-level consultant specific to your needs.

*Fundraising professionals and individuals should confer with their tax accountant or financial advisor before making any decisions. This has been written for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as professional advice.

About the Authors


Steve Higgins, CFRE – President & CEO

Steve Higgins, CFRE, President & CEO of Carter, is one of the most respected consultants in the profession. He is well-known for his ability to help organizations embrace bold goals that lead to transformational gifts and impact. With over 25 years of combined consulting and nonprofit experience, his fundraising counsel focuses on major and mega gift strategies, leadership coaching, campaign counsel and readiness, capacity building, and organizational assessment. Steve resides in Vero Beach, Florida. Read more about Steve here.

Ag Final Headshot

Andrea Glickman, JD – Managing Director

Andrea Glickman, JD, Managing Director of Carter, is an accomplished and strategic consultant with a commitment to community and capacity building through philanthropic efforts, combined with a legal, finance and accounting background. With over 17 years in the nonprofit sector, Andrea previously served as the inaugural Executive Director of the Shear Family Foundation, as well as the Executive Director of the National Council of Jewish Women, Pittsburgh Section. Andrea resides in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Read more about Andrea here.

About Carter:
When it comes to transformational change, nonprofits are experts at knowing what they need to achieve but don’t always have the tools they need to get there. Carter makes the journey easier. Co-founded by Bob Carter and Steve Higgins in 2011, Carter gathered a select team of the nation’s most respected nonprofit professionals working to advance philanthropy worldwide in the areas of fundraising, governance and organizational planning. Each Carter consultant brings decades of executive-level development experience to serve as an extension of your team and help you maximize your organization’s potential and better serve your cause. For more information, visit www.carter.global.

Start the New Year Off with Solid Stewardship


Congratulations! You worked diligently to secure calendar year-end donations for your charitable organization and ended the year with increased support in terms of both donors and dollars. Take your team to lunch to celebrate, and then get ready to develop and implement a solid stewardship strategy for 2023. 

Stewardship is a critical element in the lifecycle of donor acquisition and retention, yet often we neglect to create a thoughtful plan for doing so. Stewardship makes donors feel valued and appreciated, and it is critical to retaining donors and increasing their financial support.

Follow these six key strategies to ensure your stewardship practices are the best they can be in the year ahead:

  1. Just like annual giving plans, a stewardship plan should be designed around a nonprofit’s fiscal year. Begin your stewardship planning by reviewing your schedule for fundraising and special events for the fiscal year—consider opportunities to use events and meetings already on the docket to emphasize stewarding your donors. For example, higher education institutions frequently host a luncheon or reception for donors who have created scholarships to meet their scholarship recipients. Or an environmental protection organization can take a donor out on the land or water to make a personal appeal, as opposed to sitting down for coffee. There is magic in this for donors! Who doesn’t want to meet an enthusiastic student they are helping or experience the beauty of the natural resources they are protecting?
  1. Ensure your organization has a well-documented stewardship matrix in place, or take this time to re-evaluate and improve your current matrix. Giving your team clarity on when and how they should be engaging each of your donor segments provides both focus and accountability for you and your team. This invaluable reference will solidify exactly how you should be stewarding donors at various gift levels throughout the year.
  1. Design one stewardship activity per month for your top-level donors and consider involving others outside of the development team. For example, ask board members to make thank-you calls to new donors. Create a simple script and ask each board member to call five donors. Donors appreciate hearing from board members, and remember—you can never thank your donors enough!
  1. Steward your emerging donors. For donors who may not be major donors yet, but are showing more interest in your organization, moving in a good trajectory professionally, etc., we recommend stewarding them as if they were already established major donors.
  1. Eliminate spending money on “giveaway items” for stewardship. In fact, most donors don’t want nonprofits using their financial resources on these giveaway items. Properly thanking your donors will be more effective.
  1. Pull together an ad hoc committee of donors to seek their input on what events and outreach would be most meaningful to them as you plan your stewardship. People love to provide advice and suggestions. These donors will feel valued by the mere act of you asking for their input. They may even be more likely to increase their donation as a result of feeling like they are part of your team by contributing to your strategy.

As you celebrate your fundraising success in 2022, remember the importance of retaining your donors through thoughtful stewardship. These practices will help guarantee you can build upon this success in 2023 and beyond.

About the Author

Kim Headshot

Kimberley Hammer, Esq. – Managing Director

With over 28 years of fundraising experience and executive leadership within the nonprofit sector, Kimberley (Kim) Hammer, Esq., is a thoughtful, collaborative professional who builds strong, productive relationships and focuses on results. Kim most recently served as Vice President for Advancement and Special Assistant to the President at Virginia Wesleyan University in Virginia Beach. Her experience also includes holding senior-level positions at Carlow University, Robert Morris University, The Pittsburgh Promise, UPMC Children’s Hospital Foundation, and The Pittsburgh Foundation. Read more about Kim here.

About Carter:
When it comes to transformational change, nonprofits are experts at knowing what they need to achieve but don’t always have the tools they need to get there. Carter makes the journey easier. Co-founded by Bob Carter and Steve Higgins in 2011, Carter gathered a select team of the nation’s most respected nonprofit professionals working to advance philanthropy worldwide in the areas of fundraising, governance and organizational planning. Each Carter consultant brings decades of executive-level development experience to serve as an extension of your team and help you maximize your organization’s potential and better serve your cause. For more information, visit www.carter.global.

How to Increase Your Grant Funding

Grant Funding Relationships

Whether you’re just starting your grant funding strategy or have created a well-oiled grant funding machine, you still are likely asking the same questions to ensure efficiency: “Which grants should we apply for? Which grant funders should we be focusing on? Who is most likely to support our cause?”

These are questions I am asked every week, from small grassroots organizations to large-scale NGOs, and I have roughly the same conversation with every client. While it is a complex topic and one that requires a clear understanding of your organization’s capacity, position in the nonprofit sector, and budgetary needs, the root of my answer is the same: choose funders with whom you have relationships or with whom you can create relationships.

Relationship-Building with Foundations

Let’s start with funding from foundations (independent, family and corporate). You can write the most compelling proposal to a foundation, but if they’ve never heard of you, your mission, and the population(s) you serve, then it’s like sending the proposal into the wind. Yes, a foundation’s purpose is to distribute grant money, but more importantly, their purpose is to distribute grant money to organizations that meet their funding priorities, have the capacity in terms of staffing and systems that support the management of grant funds, and can prove that their program outcomes will bring about meaningful change within the community. Relationships with foundations are pivotal to proving your merit in these areas.

In an ideal world, you will have a board member or volunteer within your ranks who already has a relationship with a foundation and can make an introduction on behalf of your organization. If you don’t have an internal connection, take the time to contact the foundation and ask to meet with them to share what you do and who you serve (you may also want to invite a board member to the meeting who can speak to the importance of your mission), or invite them to events happening at your organization to see your work first-hand.

Before meeting with the foundation, review their website and recent 990 Forms to get a feel for who they have funded and the amounts funded. While bold asks are often encouraged in fundraising, with grants, I recommend being reasonable with your budget. Don’t ask for more than the foundation’s average request unless they have given you an indication that they will consider a larger ask. Be consistent, but also be patient. Establishing relationships with foundations takes time.

Relationship-Building with Government Agencies

For government agencies (federal, state and local), relationship-building is much less intimate. Government agencies don’t normally take meetings with nonprofit organizations, nor do they come to see your organization in action. For government funding, make sure you can show at least three years of audited financial statements. Very rarely do government agencies want to drop hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars on small or new nonprofits that can’t show expertise in managing large amounts of money.

It’s important to still work to make a connection with someone who can be an advocate for you and your organization. There is a lot of competition behind the scenes in government grants – everyone needs funding, and everyone has a great idea and a beautiful vision to fix a heartbreaking societal issue. To build relationships in this arena, you can participate in federal/state RFP webinars, reach out to the assigned federal/state agency contact person with pertinent questions about a particular funding opportunity, and charge your government relations staff with scoping out government grant opportunities that might be on the horizon.

You can also reach out to your local legislator to make these inquiries on your behalf or ask your board and volunteers if they have any connections to legislators. As taxpayer-funded legislators, this is part of their role; they are in office to serve the public. I have seen many cases in which legislators have acted as great champions for an organization’s cause.

The Bottom Line: Make Connections

So, what do you need in order to increase your grant funding? A compelling case and a personal connection. I’m not saying that if you have a relationship, you can slack on the proposal. Your proposal must be excellent. But you won’t increase grant funding with exceptional proposals alone; you also need to do your research and make connections. Relationships are essential in securing grant funds!

The Carter team is committed to being a strategic partner in your approach to funding. If you are looking to enhance your organization’s integrated fundraising program or campaign through improved grant services or looking to accelerate organizational capacity through a strategic grant funding approach, we are here to help.

About the Author

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Maureen Ryan, MBA – Director - Grants

As a service-oriented and seasoned grant professional with over 30 years of combined experience in grant strategy, grant development, writing and administration, Maureen serves as Carter’s Director – Grants, helping nonprofit organizations realize their missions through grant funding. In her career, Maureen has helped raise over $100 million in grants for organizations across the country. Learn more about Maureen here.

About Carter:
When it comes to transformational change, nonprofits are experts at knowing what they need to achieve but don’t always have the tools they need to get there. Carter makes the journey easier. With over 1,000 years of combined experience, the Carter team is comprised of over 40 senior-level professionals working to advance philanthropy worldwide through fundraising, organizational planning and governance. For more information, visit www.carter.global.

Year-End Giving Doesn’t Have to Be Scary: 4 Steps to Maximize Donations

Year End Giving Doesn't Have To Be Scary

As a nonprofit professional, Halloween may only be scary because it means you have a lot of prepping on your plate for year-end giving. (Calendar year-end is never a surprise, but it still surprises a lot of organizations! You’re not alone!) This year, don’t let year-end giving scare you. Instead, let’s use the latest giving data and apply universal truths of fundraising with these four steps to maximize your time, effort and, ultimately, donations.

1. Focus your efforts on certain donors.

New data released this month in the Fundraising Effectiveness Project (FEP) Second Quarter Fundraising Report offers insight into where you can direct your efforts to get the most out of year-end giving. Donor counts fell steeply in Q2 of 2022 (-7%), but the amount donated increased (+6.2%), thanks to increased giving by major donors and a jump in donor recapture rates, measuring those who donated in the past but not last year. (AFP Global)

With this data in mind, focus your time and effort on your current major donors and on re-engaging past donors in your year-end campaigns.

 2. Get away from transactional giving.

To maximize your year-end gifts from these donors, drop out of any practices that make giving feel transactional. Invest your time and efforts in thoroughly preparing for each ask you make.

  • Review your portfolio donor-by-donor, asking what tools and information you need to make a successful ask of each donor.
  • Know what connects each donor to your mission and anticipate the information and answers your donor will need in order to make their best gift.
      • With the equities market being down this year, it will be especially important for you to be well-versed in appreciated and depreciated securities gifts. These gifts can boost your donor’s overall tax advantages for the 2022 fiscal year and may increase their best gift to your organization. (You don’t need to get into the nitty gritty, but be knowledgeable about these types of gifts, be ready to accept them, and always suggest that your donor discuss this type of gift with their accountant first.)
  • Partner with the right solicitor for each donor.

3. Hone your case for support.

Your case for support should be emotional and compelling, and it must convey the urgency of the need. If you already have a strong case, you don’t need to change it or re-write it at year-end. But it should answer the question: why should a donor give to your organization now?

Write your case with major donors in mind – big vision equals big gifts. Major donors are often entrepreneurial visionaries. They have found financial success by creating a bold plan and following through on it. Show them that your organization is on the same path to success.

Prepare yourself to clearly communicate your organization’s bold plan and briefly state your track record of success and concrete ways you’re working toward accomplishing your big vision. Your organization and your team are not just visionaries; you are doers, just like your major donors. Share easy-to-digest plans and financial figures that show how you will accomplish your goal and lay out the measurable impact the donor’s investment will have.

4. Connect donors to your mission. Properly steward your donor relationships.

Effective stewardship is the key to keeping donors, and it is built on the time and care you take to understand the motivations of each donor. When you know what’s important to the donor, you can connect them to your mission in more meaningful ways. Where it’s appropriate, invite your donors to visit your facility to see their gifts in action. Engage your program team in thanking donors with specific information about the program they support. Give beneficiaries of your work appropriate opportunities to share the impact of your organization on their lives.

One of the most meaningful gifts I’ve made stays with me not because of the size (it was relatively small) but because of the response I received. I received a handwritten note from a mother whose child benefitted from my gift. Her child was likely the same age as mine. It wasn’t more than three or four sentences, but it was sincere and made a direct connection with me as a mom. This simple act wasn’t expensive or complicated, but it had a meaningful impact on me and my perception of the organization. I won’t soon forget that kind and lovely note.

Could you use a partner in making year-end gifts and major giving less scary? The Carter team of 40+ senior-level nonprofit professionals in locations across North America has been in your shoes and has you covered. You know where to find us!

About the Author

Michelle Hamilton cfre

Michelle Hamilton, CFRE - Managing Director

In three decades as a nonprofit executive, Michelle Hamilton, CFRE, has developed and successfully executed strategies in annual funds, major gifts, capital campaigns, governance and leadership development. Most recently, Michelle served as Vice President of Development for the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra from 2013 to 2021, where she also served as Interim President & CEO from 2019 to 2020. During her tenure, the orchestra’s endowment grew by $4 million, and individual giving increased by more than 25%. Learn more about Michelle here.

About Carter:
When it comes to transformational change, nonprofits are experts at knowing what they need to achieve but don’t always have the tools they need to get there. Carter makes the journey easier. With over 1,000 years of combined experience, the Carter team is comprised of over 40 senior-level professionals working to advance philanthropy worldwide through fundraising, organizational planning and governance. For more information, visit www.carter.global.

How to Re-Engage Your Board for the Busy Season in One Meeting

Re-Engage Your Board

The nonprofit busy season is upon us! With fall usually serving as the most advantageous season for soliciting gifts and a popular time for hosting events, as a nonprofit professional, you likely already have your ducks in a row to take advantage of the fundraising opportunities in the months ahead. But the task of preparing for the busy season isn’t just on you and your staff. Your board should be gearing up, too, to help you solicit major donors, host awareness events and more.

If your board has met more sporadically in the summer months, or perhaps only half of your board is fully engaged, or you’re noticing some fatigue amongst board members in the midst of a campaign, now is the time to re-engage and re-invigorate your board to prepare for a successful season!

So, where do you start? It’s easy – at a regularly scheduled board meeting.

Step One: Reconnect your board to your mission.

The first step in re-engaging your board is to remind them of the importance of and reconnect them emotionally to your work, mission and vision. Your board members have a myriad of options for serving and supporting different organizations. Remind them of why they are on this board for this organization. To accomplish this, I recommend hosting an early season board meeting that focuses on the big picture and feel-good factor of your organization. Here are some examples:

  • Get your “program people” in front of your board. Ask a staff member and/or volunteer or two running your programs to craft a presentation on the work they’ve done in the past year and the exciting projects on the horizon. Again, think “big picture.” Ask them to focus on the importance and impact of their work and how the community/region/world could be helped further if they were able to do X, Y and Z. This may be a sit-down presentation, or this may be an onsite tour of facilities, grounds, a new building, campus, etc.
  • Host a presentation led by someone your organization is serving or has served. Work with this individual or group to help them tell the story of how your organization changed their life. A few ideas: simply ask them to share their story, host an interview-style presentation, conduct a panel discussion and possibly include your “program people,” or even pre-record a video, though an in-person appearance is always more powerful.
  • Start a conversation with your board about your three philanthropic priorities for the year ahead. What are the three most important things your organization will accomplish this year? Go around the room and ask for everyone’s opinions and participation. You can write the responses on a whiteboard or large post-it pads and work as a group to draw out and agree on the top priorities and their impact.
  • Break out into small groups and ask everyone to share why they are serving on this board and why this organization is so important to them personally. This conversation will not only emotionally connect your board members to your organization and mission, but it will connect them to each other. (But wait, there’s more – this is a three-for-one deal! This also serves as a great solicitation training exercise.)
  • Invite a well-known and respected person in the community, a celebrity, or a significant foundation to express thanks and appreciation to your board members for their work. If the speaker has been affected by your organization or if they’ve contributed to your organization and they’re comfortable sharing that information to help inspire your board, even better!

Step Two: Invite your board’s participation immediately.

Now that you’ve reignited your board’s passion for your organization, invite their participation in fundraising activities and give them an opportunity to make a real difference. If possible, this invitation should be presented in the same meeting while the renewed excitement for your mission and cause is fresh!  

Here are a few ways you can extend an invitation to participate:

  • Have a board member lead a group conversation asking the board, “How do you want to help? What can you do that will have a meaningful impact on this organization?” The leader of this conversation should give three options: accompany staff on solicitation visits, host an awareness event, make introductions to potential major donors, etc. Then each board member has the chance to choose how they want to engage, and you have a much better chance of getting them involved.
  • Provide an annual board participation evaluation. I recommend this to all organizations I work with. This can be an online or written survey that asks your board members how they would like to be involved in the next 12 months. Include anything you have on your to-do list that would benefit from your board’s involvement. Having this in writing – physically or digitally – will help ensure follow-through and accountability.
  • Recognize the efforts or contributions of individual board members. A public “thank you” (for those who allow it) shows your appreciation but can also inspire your board members to be more involved or give more. For example, you can give a special thanks to those who donated over $X to your organization/campaign or recognize their time and effort. Other board members may think, “maybe I should be doing a little bit more,” or “wow, this organization is worthy of that kind of gift or time,” without you having to provide an explanation or even ask. (Bonus: this is also a great short segment to include at your major fundraising event for the year.)

The Carter team wishes you, your board and your organization a highly successful busy season ahead (you’ve got this!), and we hope that if you have any questions, you won’t hesitate to give us a call or send us an email. Our team of senior-level nonprofit professionals has been in your shoes, and we are here to serve as a resource to you as you help make our world a better place!

About the Author

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Arthur Scully - Managing Director

With over 30 years of experience, Arthur Scully is well known for his ability to cultivate strategic thinking and creative partnerships that result in exceptional philanthropic experiences. Over the course of his career, and in partnership with colleagues, trustees and volunteers, he has successfully led development programs, established supporting organizations, and facilitated mergers to increase organizational impact. Prior to joining Carter, Arthur most recently served as Vice President of Development & Communications for Magee-Womens Research Institute and Foundation, where he helped grow annual revenue from $250,000 to $13.5 million. Learn more about Arthur here.

About Carter:
When it comes to transformational change, nonprofits are experts at knowing what they need to achieve but don’t always have the tools they need to get there. Carter makes the journey easier. With over 1,000 years of combined experience, the Carter team is comprised of over 40 senior-level professionals working to advance philanthropy worldwide through fundraising, organizational planning and governance. For more information, visit www.carter.global.

Fundraising in a Recession Webinar: The Top 10 Takeaways

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In response to dozens of inquiries from our partners and colleagues, last month, Bob Carter, CFRE, Chairman, was interviewed by Steve Higgins, CFRE, President & CEO of Carter, in a webinar conversation detailing how to successfully fundraise in a recession based on both of their decades-long careers in the nonprofit sector and experience fundraising throughout multiple recessions.

In case you missed the webinar, here is the full video:


In this month’s blog post, we’re highlighting the top 10 takeaways from the conversation – though we highly recommend giving it a watch or listen, too – it is packed with helpful information and inspiring stories!

1. Philanthropy is resilient and endures, thanks to the human heart.

As shown in the graph below, philanthropic giving remains relatively stable when compared to the Dow Jones average. Total giving as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) also remains very stable in good and bad times, hovering around 2% of GDP.

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During the 2008-2009 recession, philanthropic giving only dipped slightly when compared to the Dow Jones average. In 2010, Giving USA and the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy reported a less than 4% dip in philanthropic giving from 2008 to 2009 (the graph above shows figures from their 2022 report’s adjusted data). That’s incredible when compared to the overall market, especially the real estate market, in which home values were down by 50% or more in some cases. In fact, the amount of money raised for the human services sector actually rose by 10%. How can that be? That’s the human heart.

I (Bob) got to know Carlton Ketchum a little bit before he passed away. One day, I was talking with Carlton about tax laws, and I’ll never forget when he said, “Bob, the only law we have to worry about changing is the law of human nature. When that changes, we have a problem. All the rest we’ll get through because the hearts of people are so good.”

2. There has never been a recession without recovery.

There is always recovery, and we must prepare for that recovery. You have 30 minutes to wring your hands; then, you need to focus on recovery.

Our equities market is driven by two human behaviors – fear and greed – and with the enormous assets our country holds, even during a recession, there will always be someone waiting for the market to hit bottom, buy back in and, in turn, they help restore the market and economy. Greed wins over fear.

3. Be confident.

As a leader, you must convey stability – have a steady hand at the wheel. Calm and collected confidence will make all the difference to your board, staff and donors. You’ve been here before, and you will make it through.

During difficult times, your work is often more important and needed more urgently. Be confident that even if the pie has shrunken, your organization deserves a fair share of that pie. Weaker agencies will drop out of the marketplace, and stronger agencies will stay in, giving them even more of an advantage. Take your piece of the pie and your important place in the philanthropic sector.

4. Communication is KEY.

Internal Communication:

With your board and staff, you should be having proactive and honest conversations about the difficulties you’re facing and invite their input into solutions. Remember, convey stability; you will get through this, and invite their input into how you will get through it.

This is known as “inclusiveness,” and it is one of the essential principles of adaptive leadership. (If you haven’t read the article on adaptive leadership from Harvard Business Review, we highly recommend it.) When you are an inclusive leader, you are using all the resources at your disposal.

In fostering inclusivity, it’s also important to be communicating with colleagues and others outside of the philanthropic sector. So many creative strategies come from outside of our “bubbles.”

External Communication:

It is vital to have transparent yet confident and calm communications with your major donors. Start these conversations on a personal level. “How can we help you during this period? Are you okay? Is your family okay?” Care and compassion will deepen your relationship and engagement with your donors.

Major donors supporting, say, 10 organizations in good times may only prioritize four or five organizations during a recession. However, they often give more to those four or five. You want to be one of those organizations. This is a relationship that’s developed outside of recessionary times, but it’s never too late to start.

For your broader external messaging, keep direct mail and digital ads going, and stick with what works. The same behavior often sees the same results. However, it’s important that your messaging is personalized, and it may need to be more sensitive, compassionate and accepting of the circumstances your donors are facing. You should also focus less on fear and negativity and more on hope and positivity.

5. Act – don’t get paralyzed.

There are three types of organizations: those who make things happen, those who expect things to happen and those who wonder “what just happened?” – be the one who makes things happen.

You don’t have to have a perfect plan, but you need to have a plan and act on it. You can adjust as needed, as activity often leads to what we call a “pop-up solution.” It’s amazing how much smarter we become when we put our minds and actions into working on a solution.

A webinar attendee added the perfect quote for this into the chat box, “Whatever you do, don’t do nothing!” We strongly advise against “hunkering down.” Boards often struggle with this and think the organization needs to lay low or plan on being a smaller operation. We encourage you to challenge your board on this – ask them if they would do this with their business. Would they consciously reduce their business, or would they work aggressively on the top line and take care of the bottom line as needed?

6. Encourage creativity and think creatively!

In hard times, you must be nimble and flexible as things will happen you can’t control. But incredible, creative solutions come from facing adversity, as we’ve seen during Covid. For example, one of our partners, Roundup River Ranch, a camp for seriously ill children, pivoted to providing the camp experience online during Covid. Through this, they learned they could include children in hospitals. Now they are going back to an in-person camp experience, but they are never getting rid of the online camp option for those who need it. It’s a whole new business model for them and a new way to reach more children who truly benefit from their organization and services.

You can also take a creative look at potential partners in your sector or area to collaborate with. Are there organizations you could partner with to ride this out and perhaps make everyone stronger?

7. Learn from and use your data.

Dig into your data and get a clear picture of the effect the recession is having on your programs, finances, etc. Until you get those facts and do the analysis, you’re guessing as to how this is affecting you. You may also identify areas/programs that are more likely to be part of your solution for getting through the recession or ones that may be eliminated without having the largest impact on your organization (this should be done annually – not just during a recession).

However, if the data allows you to keep your programs going, do so. Even if you see reduced revenue, it’s better than none, and trying to resurrect a program is very difficult.

8. Consider accepting different types of donations.

Don’t miss the opportunity to invite depreciated securities. When the market is down, your donors’ portfolios may have a loss, and in their tax bracket, it may be beneficial for them to give away a depreciated security. You can remind them to discuss this with their advisor. Here is a link to a Carter blog post from 2020 by Managing Director Ted Sudol, J.D., with helpful information about depreciated securities.

Workplace giving may also be of interest. More people are working now than ever – payroll deductions are a tool you can consider for engaging a different part of your demographic.

9. Planning for a capital campaign during a recession? The fundamentals still apply.

When is the best time to launch a capital campaign? When you’re ready.

Of course, there’s a lot to unpack and discuss there, and you can give us a call to break it down, but the fundamentals still apply. Ensure your board is completely behind the vision for the organization; the board must own the campaign. Make sure you have a compelling case for support that is tested with the right people, and they’re behind it. Make sure you have the resources in place to take on a campaign.

The campaigns we worked on in the 2008-2009 recession were still very successful. They took longer (you may need to consider extending pledge deadlines), but the organizations that stayed focused on campaigns were getting a disproportionate amount of dollars coming out of that recession without question. Their big vision “against all odds” helped inspire donors to make a philanthropic investment versus just a charitable gift. Well-planned and executed campaigns raise awareness and sharpen an organization in any economy.

10. Advocate for the freedom of philanthropy in our country.

In 2010, the deficit reduction committee proposed doing away with the federal charitable tax deduction entirely to the senate finance committee. It was voted down 18 to 11, but that was a wake-up call that we could lose what the world considers to be the gold standard for encouraging people to support ideas and values they believe in. During recessionary times, in particular, talk to your representatives and keep an eye on this issue. Ask them to support the freedom of philanthropy. With all due respect to the public sector, philanthropy exists because it can solve problems they cannot.


If you have any follow-up questions, we hope you will reach out to our team. We will always make ourselves available as a resource to you as you advance your mission and philanthropy. If you don’t already have a direct contact at Carter, please email labolg.retrac@ofni, and we’ll put you in touch with a senior-level consultant specific to your needs.

About the Authors

Bob Carter Afp Cover

Bob Carter, CFRE - Chairman

Bob Carter, CFRE, Chairman of Carter, is one of the world’s most revered, experienced, and recognized experts in the areas of institutional strategy and philanthropy. During the past four decades, Bob has helped strengthen a variety of organizations throughout the world by helping them overcome challenges and capitalize on opportunities to be successful. Bob and his colleagues concentrate on building dynamic teams to deliver specific services that meet the unique needs of charities and donors. His service as a member and chair of numerous nonprofit boards lends firsthand experience to his governance counsel. Read more about Bob here.


Steve Higgins, CFRE - President & CEO

Steve Higgins, CFRE, President & CEO of Carter, is one of the most respected and seasoned nonprofit consultants in the profession. He works with organizations’ development staff, executive leaders, trustees, and volunteers, providing counsel in fundraising, governance, and strategic planning. With over 25 years of combined consulting and nonprofit experience, his fundraising counsel focuses on major and mega gift strategies, leadership coaching, campaign counsel and readiness, capacity building, and organizational assessment. Read more about Steve here.

About Carter:
When it comes to transformational change, nonprofits are experts at knowing what they need to achieve but don’t always have the tools they need to get there. Carter makes the journey easier. With over 1,000 years of combined experience, the Carter team is comprised of over 40 senior-level professionals working to advance philanthropy worldwide through fundraising, organizational planning and governance. For more information, visit www.carter.global.

A Guide and Checklist for Building a Campaign Brand: It’s Not Just a Logo

Campaign Branding

As fundraising professionals, we are well aware of the transformational potential of a major campaign. It can galvanize your constituents, significantly advance your organization and even bring entire communities together.

An often overlooked and undercooked component of a campaign is its branding. A campaign’s brand is not just a brochure, video, website or logo. These are tools we use to convey a brand – they are not “the” brand, and they are not the places to start when you need to create a brand.

In this month’s blog post, Carter’s Managing Director Beverly Brooks Thompson, Ph.D., CFRE, and Marketing & Communications Director Becky Brandt offer a step-by-step guide that you can use to create the most effective campaign brand possible and help you determine if you even need a campaign brand. Plus, we’ve included Carter’s downloadable campaign brand vehicle checklist (download here) to make sure you’re spreading your message as far and wide as possible!


Do you need a specific campaign brand?

Use the following questions to determine if your current organizational branding is enough or if your campaign requires its own brand. If you find that you do not need a specific campaign brand, these questions can also help you position your organizational brand for your campaign.

Regarding your organizational brand:

  1. Does your organizational brand reinforce your story?
  2. Does it make people want to hear more about you?
  3. Is the organizational brand appropriate for the specific audience(s) you are trying to reach: donors, alumni, friends, faculty, grateful patients, etc.?
  4. Does the brand form an emotional attachment and incite action?

If the organizational brand does not accomplish these goals, consider a specific brand for your fundraising campaign.

Regarding your campaign:

  1. Does this campaign address a specific need outside of the normal order of business?
  2. Does the campaign have a definite beginning and end date?
  3. Does the campaign have a definite goal?
  4. Are these goals in addition to normal fundraising efforts?
  5. Do you need to link multiple fundraising entities together with a singular vision?

If you’ve answered yes to these questions, consider a specific brand for your fundraising campaign.


Creating Your Campaign Brand

Fundraising campaigns need an identity that is easily recognizable and ties into the ideals and emotions of the audience. A campaign is a vision for the future — the brand is how that vision will spread and an invitation to others to join in making that vision a reality.

A brand is a way of representing your campaign’s persona through the stories you tell. When you sit down to build out your campaign brand, answer the following questions:

  1. How will this campaign make an impact?
  2. How are you changing lives?
  3. How will things be different when your campaign reaches its goal?
  4. How do you want donors to feel when they’ve made a contribution to the campaign?
  5. Your campaign brand should align with the personality of your fundraising prospects. Who are they? Caregivers? Heroes? Creators? Explorers? Innovators? If you know the personality of your prospects, you can tailor your storytelling to help them forge a deeper connection with your organization and campaign.
  6. What makes your organization unique, and what are your constituents already connecting to within your organization? This is an attention game, so emphasize what already stands out and what the audience already feels. A great place to find these hooks is in your organization’s history: in the lives of people affected, traditions, customs, unique phrases, heroes, legends, stories told, songs written, etc.

The answers to these questions are collectively your campaign brand, and you can use this information to create your marketing materials.


What’s next?

Now, it’s time to develop a plan to implement your brand and let everyone know what you want and why. Work with a marketing professional – either internally or externally – to write stories and create your supporting pieces: a campaign tagline, brochures, social media hashtags, a campaign website or microsite, videos, impact infographics, etc. The brand should be woven into every message and every method of communication.

Make sure you’re covering all of your bases and reaching as many potential donors as possible with Carter’s campaign brand vehicle checklist.

Click Here to Download Carter’s Campaign Brand Vehicle Checklist

Another helpful strategy at this stage can be referencing a brand archetype guide to find your organization’s archetype match. Brand archetypes can help you refine your messaging and create marketing materials that your prospects will naturally gravitate toward.

Remember to keep your brand and marketing succinct and simple, and don’t veer off from your organization’s current branding. Your audience (hopefully) already has an emotional connection to your organization, so your campaign brand should play off what is familiar and what brought them to your organization in the first place.

If you succeed in creating an effective campaign brand, you will connect with your donors, and your donors will know they are invaluable players in your work and part of something bigger than themselves.

About the Authors

Beverly Brooks Thompson headshot

Beverly Brooks Thompson, Ph.D., CFRE - Managing Director

Beverly Brooks Thompson, Ph.D., CFRE, Managing Director of Carter, is a published academic and practitioner in the field of philanthropic leadership. She holds a Doctorate in Human Resource Development, specializing in Organizational Leadership, with more than 25 years of fundraising campaign experience. Her fundraising counsel focuses on major and mega gift strategies, leadership coaching, campaign counsel and readiness, capacity building, and organizational assessment. Beverly currently resides in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Read more about Beverly here.

Becky Brandt Picture

Becky Brandt - Marketing & Communications Director

Becky Brandt, Marketing & Communications Director of Carter, has worked in the communications and fundraising fields throughout her career. She’s held positions in health care, human service, youth and higher education organizations. In 1999, along with her business partner, Laurie Nicholl, Becky formed Nicholl Brandt Communications Inc. Throughout her career, Becky has also worked as a consultant and freelancer. Her projects have included writing, graphic design, website development, communications and strategic planning, among others. Becky currently resides in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Read more about Becky here.

About Carter:
When it comes to transformational change, nonprofits are experts at knowing what they need to achieve but don’t always have the tools they need to get there. Carter makes the journey easier. With over 1,000 years of combined experience, the Carter team is comprised of over 40 senior-level professionals working to advance philanthropy worldwide through fundraising, organizational planning and governance. For more information, visit www.carter.global.

The Top 15 Campaign Calamities: How to Avoid Them and Ensure Your Major Campaign is Positioned for Success

The Top 15 Campaign Calamities: How to Avoid Them and Ensure Your Major Campaign is Positioned for Success

Embarking on a major campaign can be intimidating. It is a huge, often multi-year endeavor, and you have just one chance to execute it properly. But there are tried and true methods to perfecting campaigns, and if your organization has not started a capital or endowment campaign recently, now is the time to seriously consider it. The campaign marketplace is ripe due to today’s philanthropic trends.

Preparing for and completing a major campaign requires great planning and execution. With our partners, we emphasize the five campaign essentials to ensure success: leadership, the case for support, adequate internal resources, a great plan and access to contributable dollars.

In my 25-year career as a nonprofit professional and consultant working with hundreds of organizations across the world, these are the top 15 “campaign calamities” I’ve seen compromise a campaign’s results within each of the five campaign essentials, and ways you can avoid them and ensure your campaign’s success. 


One: Leadership
The success of your campaign will hinge on leadership! In most cases, the available dollars for success are present within your constituency. The key to your success will be enlisting the best and strongest possible leaders to be actively involved in your fundraising efforts. While we may not always be able to get the perfect leader enlisted in the perfect role, we must get all of the perfect leaders involved to position ourselves for success.

Leadership Calamities

  1. The invisible board. The board has the ultimate authority over the campaign and must take complete ownership of it.
  2. Enlisting campaign leaders too early. Do not begin enlisting campaign chairs or leaders until they have already made an investment that illustrates that your campaign is one of their top two philanthropic priorities at this time. Instead, get them involved in the early planning process first. Involvement invites investment.
  3. Soliciting the board too early. Optimizing your board gifts will set the pace for the rest of your campaign. Be sure to develop a process for rating each board member’s capacity. It is then important to develop the appropriate sequence and strategy for all board solicitations.


Two: The Case for Support
The needs that are articulated in your case for support must be extremely compelling, urgent and emotional. The case must also clearly demonstrate that a campaign is absolutely necessary to ensure that the needs of your organization are met. Constituents will take your campaign seriously when they are convinced that there is an immediate, life-changing need.

The Case for Support Calamities

  1. Thinking small and focusing on your organization’s needs rather than your community’s needs. It is important to develop a BIG, BOLD VISION for the future. After all, BIG VISION leads to BIG GIFTS! If money were no object, how much money would you need to fulfill your ultimate vision for the future? Be sure to illustrate the impact that your campaign will have on your wider community rather than simply…your organization. Share how your community will be transformed by your campaign. Test your BIG VISION for your community during a planning study. This will help you yield a more positive response by raising sights among your key leaders and donor prospects.
  2. No connection to a strategic plan. People will invest at higher levels if they see that your campaign plans have been informed by a thoughtful and diligent strategic planning process.
  3. All facts, no emotion. Philanthropy is 86% emotional. Eighty-six percent of all philanthropic dollars come from individuals who make their investments based on emotion. Emotion leads to action. Be sure to share emotional stories and testimonials that highlight the impact you are having on specific people.
  4. Waiting for the perfect brochure. Brochures don’t raise money. People do. During the early stages of a campaign, the campaign materials should be “living documents” that can easily be customized and enhanced. When testing your case early on with key stakeholders, including a “draft” watermark on your documents isn’t necessarily a bad idea. It lets them know that they are part of your team and “under the tent.” Thus, giving them greater ownership in your campaign.


Three: Adequate Internal Resources
You must have adequate internal resources to conduct a successful campaign. Resources include people, systems, processes, volunteer support and a campaign budget.

Adequate Internal Resources Calamities

  1. Not investing in your campaign. A major campaign will result in the best return on your investment in the fundraising profession. Be sure you are prepared to invest $.05 to $.12 to raise a dollar.
  2. No campaign budget. Your campaign budget will typically consist of: staff time, campaign materials, donor recognition, awareness event costs, travel for staff and volunteers, analytics, possible outside counsel, etc.
  3. No existing donor systems. Be sure you have strong gift acceptance and stewardship policies and procedures for your campaign. It is also important to develop gift counting policies for deferred gifts and naming policies for named gifts. Lastly, let technology help you! Investing in wealth screening is highly recommended if you do not currently have a screening solution, and a CRM is vital for keeping track of donor engagement.
  4. Lack of access to experienced fundraisers. Before you embark on a campaign, ensure you and your team have access to knowledgeable and experienced professional fundraisers. Whether these professionals are on your staff, serving on your board, hired through outside counsel, or even if you are a longtime fundraiser yourself, two heads are better than one, and nothing beats experience.


Four: A Great Plan
Every campaign has just one opportunity to be executed properly. Far too many organizations rush into a campaign without first creating the proper volunteer leadership structure and internal capacity to sustain long-term fundraising. Therefore, it is imperative that you create the best possible campaign plan to ensure success.

A Great Plan Calamities

  1. Announcing the goal before you have won the campaign on paper. You should always continue to share the financial “need” but avoid using the word “goal” until you are prepared to go public with a stated goal that you know you will reach based on the remainder of your donor pipeline. Using historic yield rates versus ask amounts can be a good way to forecast whether or not you have won the campaign on paper. It is not unusual to raise 80% of your campaign objective before going “public” with a goal.
  2. Lack of campaign planning. If you fail to plan…plan to fail. Campaigns must be effective first and efficient second. Slow and steady will win the “raise.” 😊 You must ensure that you have earned the right to approach a donor with a gift opportunity that will inspire them to give at the high end of their capacity.


Five: Access to Contributable Dollars
Obviously, access to sufficient contributable dollars must be available to achieve success. Therefore, we must be certain that the number of prospects needed to ensure success exists and that the proper proportion of prospects relative to capacity is available.

Access to Contributable Dollars Calamities

  1. Money chasing. If you view your donors as ATMs rather than partners, you will be in for some challenges. Focusing on mission rather than money will allow you to effectively cultivate your donors in a way that will inspire them to invest significantly at the appropriate time. Take your time by listening to your donors and ultimately marrying a future appeal with their own values and interests.
  2. Launching a campaign without a well-informed base of donors. Having access to contributable dollars includes having access to donors who are knowledgeable about your organization’s goals. Campaigns should not be part of your donor acquisition strategy. Campaigns are grounded in existing donors who share the organization’s vision and can be motivated to impact it in bigger ways. Launching a campaign without a well-informed base of donors who have linkage, ability and interest will cause the biggest calamity of all.


Campaigns can be a fun and enriching experience. They have a way of galvanizing people to work together to achieve a common goal that can completely transform lives in so many positive ways. Embrace your BIG, BOLD VISION for the future and always approach your campaign from a place of abundance, not scarcity. Enhancing your mission and fulfilling your vision requires your best efforts. Plan, execute and enjoy!    

About the Author

Steve Higgins

Steve Higgins, CFRE - President & CEO

Steve Higgins, CFRE, President & CEO of Carter, is one of the most respected and seasoned nonprofit consultants in the profession. He works with organizations’ development staff, executive leaders, trustees, and volunteers, providing counsel in fundraising, governance, and strategic planning. With over 25 years of combined consulting and nonprofit experience, his fundraising counsel focuses on major and mega gift strategies, leadership coaching, campaign counsel and readiness, capacity building, and organizational assessment. Steve currently resides in Vero Beach, Florida. Learn more about Steve here.

About Carter:
When it comes to transformational change, nonprofits are experts at knowing what they need to achieve but don’t always have the tools they need to get there. Carter makes the journey easier. With over 1,000 years of combined experience, the Carter team is comprised of over 40 senior-level professionals working to advance philanthropy worldwide through fundraising, organizational planning and governance. For more information, visit www.carter.global.